After battling ALS for the past year, my Dad is now at rest. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts, prayers, personal messages, cards, flowers, etc. I am amazed by all the love and support our family has received. So many people showed up to his service, several of which I don't think had even met my Father. For those of you who wanted to come but were not able to for whatever reason, I am hoping to post a video of the service as soon as I can get a copy. I have no idea about the sound quality, but I can email anyone the biography and my part of the eulogy if you are interested, just let me know.
Following the service, we went as a family to Bella Beach (2 miles north of Depoe Bay) for a week. It was wonderful to be together to relax, mourn, heal and play an unimaginable amount of games. I have become quite the master at Bananagrams but the favorite was by far Apples to Apples. Owen did well with his first vacation but was obviously affected by all the commotion and change in routine. I am still not sure if he ever saw the ocean or sand but he was very pleased every time we brought him out on the porch or for a walk to feel the wind and hear the sounds.
The highlight of the trip was sadly only witnessed by Mom, Jarod, Heather and I since the rest of the family had to return early for work. We had a pod of whales hanging out right in front of the beach house. They were close enough in that we were able to see them without binoculars very clearly. Jarod identified them as grey whales with his binoculars and we were able to watch them for almost an hour. Jarod saw one roll and show his fin and we all saw one (or more) of them "spy hopping" where they bob up and down with their heads out of the water. It was an amazing sight.
Owen is growing at an incredible rate. We have had to retire several of his onesies and pajamas. He is huge. He is starting to show interest in toys, in black and white flashcards his Uncle Jarod made him, and continues to enjoy music of all kinds. His favorite thing to do by far is to go for walks in the stroller or Moby. It is amazing to me that I haven't lost all my baby weight with all the walking, pacing and stationary bouncing I do on a daily basis.