Monday, May 31, 2010

Tummy Time

Our little man still isn't in love with Tummy time but he is starting to spend more time happy on his tummy than he has in the past. He is really interested in his toys right now which has helped. He has also discovered how cute he is and once he notices the mirror, he stays happy for quite a bit longer. He also is grabbing toy (sometimes with 2 hands) and bringing them to his mouth a lot. One more milestone met early. We are so proud.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Owen rolled over from tummy to back today at our friends house. We are so proud!!! Next, we get him walking...

We are starting to roll!

Owen has now rolled from his back to his tummy 3 times in his sleep, and once while awake. He is being a turkey about rolling from tummy to back, which I guess typically occurs first. He is starting to show interest but really just likes to scream and go into superman pose during tummy time. At least he is exercising his back and lungs :)

He has now been babysat twice and did fine both times. Margey said he "cried but was consolable" which was the perfect response for a mom who doesn't want a fussy baby but still feels the need to be missed.

We are terrible about taking pictures so no great new photos to post. However, we are having Christina Glichrist (our wedding photographer) over tomorrow for a photo shoot. Here goes the first photo shoot with a baby...please give lots of smiles and very few cries Owen. I will post the link when we have it.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Steve's new video

Steve has a new song and video up on Youtube now. Search "The Bonny Bunch of Roses" to see it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Mother's Day/First trip to the Zoo

What a wonderful day!

Steve brought me breakfast in bed, which I am sure was a challenge to figure out since I can't have egg, potato or cow's milk. But, it was delicious. Then, we hung out around the house for the rest of the morning. Owen "helped" me do my exercises and was a great boy all morning. Then, off to the zoo with Grandma T, Jason, Margey, Lucas, Jarod and Heather. Owen actually was awake for part of it and seemed to notice a few of the animals. Mainly the fish but I was pretty happy to see him showing interest already. Steve then went home with the baby and I went out to dinner to celebrate my mom. It was hard to not be with Steve and Owen but it was a good time with great food. I haven't been to Southpark in ages.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


We just left our 2 month well child appointment and all is looking great. Owen is 13 pounds (85th percentile) and 24 inches long (95th percentile). He is super strong, which seems to surprise the pediatrician considering his size as bigger babies meet their gross motor milestones later. He is showing great head control, is starting to do his baby push-ups and is also starting to bear weight on his legs for short intervals (longest I have counted is 7 seconds but still, he is only 2 months old).

We are all assuming that he truly does have an egg intolerance, although there is no way of knowing for sure. His eczema cleared up very quickly after I took it out of my diet. I also just learned that Owen's Great Uncle Tim has an egg there may be a connection that I wasn't aware of. So, to be on the safe side, only vegan baked goods for Mommy and I still can't partake in my very missed smoked salmon eggs Benedict. Oh well, at least I can still eat cheese and ice cream :)

Steve was able to successfully give Owen a bottle last weekend, so now Daddy can sooth and Mommy can leave the house alone...
I am hoping for one of those things...what was it called...when two adults who care about each other go out and have a good time...oh yeah, a date. Dan and Mary are coming into town in a couple weeks and I am already checking out the movie listings.

We haven't been very good about taking pictures, but here are a few.