Sunday, September 26, 2010

Miles Hyde Langslet Gerlt

Miles Hyde, 8 pounds 10 ounces, a little shy of 22 inches long. Apgar of 8,9.
Another win for the red head "recessive" gene.

Margey was doing fantastic last I heard. She even called me while Jason was out getting food and Miles was asleep, talking about her job of course. No rest for the real estate agent Margey.

Here are some of Amy's pictures. I will post more once I get some from other people. I had my camera but was too busy with O to take any.

Friday, September 24, 2010

And more firsts....

This evening Owen went to bed really early so when he woke up an hour later crying I wasn't too surprised. However, when I found him sitting up in his crib, I was shocked. Evidently he is now able to pull himself to sitting now as well. He is changing so fast. I can't keep up! He is eating so well, has only had issue with corn so far and has 13 foods in his rotation now.

Even more exciting news, tomorrow is a big day for the Portland family as we are about to welcome Owen's first "younger" cousin into the world. Miles Hyde (or Hyde Miles, they have been debating it for a while) is expected to arrive tomorrow between 8:30 and 9 am. I will try to post pictures and updates as soon as I can since I am assuming Margaret and Jason will be busy. Big weekend around here!

Monday, September 20, 2010

We have an army crawler

That looks fun.

Here I go...

Lunge for it.

Almost there!


Margey is going to call him "GI O."

He is presently showing me how many electrical cords we have that I need to do a better job hiding so, no time for the mother of a crawler. I will add more when I can.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Owen did great and had a fabulous time on his first camping trip. His mom and dad, however, are feeling very old and tired after the weekend. We had so much fun but man, I need a vacation to recover from the vacation. Granted, I did have a marathon house cleaning day after we got home which was unnecessary but camping is officially put away until next summer.

Jason is hoping to start a club called "the Wilderness Scouts" to teach the kids about the outdoors, respecting the environment, etc. He started this weekend by bringing supplies to make bird feeders and teaching the kids how to roll up their own sleeping bags.

Owen really liked having his diaper changed outdoors!

Bryan doesn't like to be caught being cute with kids, so how could I resist a picture of him reading Jangie her Fairy book.

Owen going for a ride on Daddy's shoulders

Uncle Jason and Super Owen hanging out in the woods.

We have also been working hard on food. He was on a bit of a fast over the weekend, could he have been a bit distracted??? I think so. Since we have been home he has been eating much better. He is eager to be able to feed himself so I am having to let go of my need to have things clean. He is messy but so stinking cute!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

6 month checkup

18 pounds (65%), 27 inches (75%), and head circumference 44 cm (60%). We need to start him on fluoride now but only a couple times a week.

I love, love, love our pediatrician. She has an amazing talent of making me feel so confident while still giving me suggestions on how to keep my boy healthy. The new thing for us to work on is getting him to sleep through the night. He basically has been the past few nights, only waking up for one feeding at 2ish and another early morning between 5 and 6. But, Dr Pritchard thinks we can fade the 2ish feeding, which will be nice considering that I haven't slept more than 6 hours straight in SO LONG!

Feeding him solids is going well. We now have rice cereal, avocado, carrots, and bananas on the menu. I am going to stop at these 4 until after our camping trip this weekend but I am having so much fun trying and making new food for him.

Doing great, having fun and trying to figure out scheduling now that Steve is going back to work but we have faith it will all work out.

Pictures of Owen's first camping trip to follow!