Sunday, December 7, 2008


Starting earlier this week, Lucas decided he was scared of Santa. When Margaret asked why, his response was that he says Ho Ho HO. He then began asking if Santa was there whenever the house settled or he heard a noise. Margey and I were talking and thought about how creepy it is that some man can climb down your chimney and enter your house whenever he wants to. Anyway, Lucas went to meet Santa this morning and was great. Santa entered the room and Lucas yelled HELICOPTER as Santa walked by. Later, he did a good job asking for what he wanted while sitting on Santa's lap.

Then, all the Gerlt children and their spouses went to hear my Mom's choir concert. Lucas was asking questions throughout but the best by far was "Where is Jesus? Is he at my house?" Funny kid!

Steve wrote his last song today for his next c.d. Next step is for him to draw the cover and do all the printing. Hopefully he will have a few done before Christmas so we can bring them to WI when we leave in a couple weeks. It takes a lot of work and he doesn't get any time off prior to us leaving. Time will tell.

1 comment:

Linds said...

hi there... loved hangin with u again and i hope u and steve have a safe trip and a super christmas!!