Friday, May 29, 2009

Almost done with yet another school year

Well, the word is official now....Steve is going to be a Waluga Middle School teacher in Lake Oswego starting next school year. Now,the packing, sorting and storing takes place. Only to wait until September for the unpacking, organizing and setting up. We all know how much Steve "likes" change but he is handling things well. Laughing at himself a lot.

On a good note, he did finish off his last track and field day with his Estacada kids in a glorious fashion. His relay team came in first!

As for me, two more weeks until my graduation! Tons of final projects but once they are done...I am done. I will post pictures of my graduation later for all of you who wanted to be there but couldn't.

I have plans to go to the beach with some of my friends from school for a few days for a well deserved break, come home to work for 4 days and then off to WI for a long and well deserved vacation. We are so excited to see the kids and all of Steve's family.

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