Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mommy's Big Day/Baby's Big Day

Great news! I got an internship as the NW Regional Environmental Health Conference Logistics/Event Coordinator. This event is co sponsored by several environmental health organizations in Oregon. Quite the title and quite the opportunity. I can do most of the work from home so it should be completely doable with Owen, considering he goes to be so early these days. It is going to be a lot of computer work and then a couple weeks of serious work but, I am so thrilled for this opportunity.

As for Owen's big day, we had an interesting experience trying out Art Babies with Portland Parks and Recreation. He stripped down into his diaper and got super messy with jello, pudding and finger paint. Sadly for Owen, his mother is kind of a freak about him eating sugar at a young age (which he had a ton of with the jello) so I think we will be doing "art" at home for a while. Margey had a great idea of putting down a shower curtain for a messy mat and I think we will stick to "healthy edible" art mediums for a while. Pumpkin guts is first on our agenda for Halloween, maybe some apple peels for a different texture. Anyway, even though it was a bit overpriced and not my favorite as far as him licking all the art supplies, I took lots of pictures.

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