Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What he is doing now....

I was encouraged by a friend tonight to write down everything he is doing or I will forget when he starts doing things. I view this blog as a good place to track this information.

His new gross motor tricks include running (clumsily but it counts), climbing everything, and dancing with moves learned by his mother (meaning dude can't dance but his smile makes it look good).

Academically, he is advancing like I never knew a kid could. He is matching up to a field of 15 with no trouble at all. He is pointing to objects in books when we ask and labeling them independently. He loves animals and can tell you what they say. He knows a minimum of 16 body parts (expressively and receptively and yes, I know I sound like a behavioral therapist but that was my job for nearly a decade). The biggest achievement to me, however, is that my 17 month old is starting to count. At first I thought I was imagining it but, he really is counting. If I start with one, he says "doo, dee, dor, die, sih, seh, aye, nigh." He can't seem to get 10 but seriously, he is 17 months old. I am so impressed.

His eating is hit and miss but we are on a "eating everything" phase again which makes me happy. He still loves fruit more than anything else but is also starting to eat his veggies again and even eating meat without spitting it out. He loved the lentil soup his dad made in the crockpot.

Sleeping is still not our strong suit as parents, which is hard when we are all tired, but there is always tonight to try again. He is cutting his 4 k9's right now so we are a little soft and want to cuddle him extra. He will have 16 teeth once the last one finally pops through.

That is where we are. We are tired but happy and so excited with his advancements.

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