Saturday, May 29, 2010

We are starting to roll!

Owen has now rolled from his back to his tummy 3 times in his sleep, and once while awake. He is being a turkey about rolling from tummy to back, which I guess typically occurs first. He is starting to show interest but really just likes to scream and go into superman pose during tummy time. At least he is exercising his back and lungs :)

He has now been babysat twice and did fine both times. Margey said he "cried but was consolable" which was the perfect response for a mom who doesn't want a fussy baby but still feels the need to be missed.

We are terrible about taking pictures so no great new photos to post. However, we are having Christina Glichrist (our wedding photographer) over tomorrow for a photo shoot. Here goes the first photo shoot with a baby...please give lots of smiles and very few cries Owen. I will post the link when we have it.

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